Would like to show progress (sort of a mini-blog) of the Hannover CL.II in 1/32 scale, built from Wingnut Wings kit. On the tail of excellent feature by Bucky Sheftall - I will be tackling option "A":

This will be a mini-blog, as I have only intermittent access to photographic set up - so we jump straight to completed cockpit / engine "bay", right as it's about to be closed up.

At this point, only gripes about the kit are:
The decals for radio dials are part on the lozenge decal sheet and part on the equipment portion of the decal sheet - making it a bit like a game of "Find Waldo". Looking for them late at night grew into frustration, so I found myself skipping some of the excellent (but largely invisible) dial detail

WnW provides decal for painted lozenge on the tail but not wooden center wing section (these would be hand painted lozenge over wood), which leaves an interesting dilemma of matching paints to decals, hand painting tail lozenge and center wing or acquiring decals that cover both tail end and center wing...
^^ My solution is to try my hand (again) at printing my own waterslide decals (hope to capture process in this blog + how to).
Everything lines up well and assembly is very straight forward (minus Waldo decal gripe). Level of detail in the cockpit and observer seat is very high.
Flying on observation mission, this aircraft is modeled with Fk.II camera and wireless radio installed - I have assembled the hatch open, so the lens will be visible in the opening.