After searching thru the many items about Japanese aircraft colors on the web, I have come up with this list of Vallejo paints to suit. The links provided helped a lot. I made a color chart up and compared them to the color chips in this link...(Review: White Ensign Paints - Japanese WWII Colors) This list is not complete as yet, but I will add as I go. I will now list the paints so far , all Model Color except as marked,
IJNAF Black green - 897
Nakajima Navy Green - 823
Kawanishi Green - 894
Undersurface grey green - 971
Nakajima Amber grey - 847
Mitsubishi navy grey - 907
Earth Brown (Kumogata scheme)- 819
Nakajima Interior grey green - 886
Mitsubishi Interior green - 974
Mitsubishi Cowl blue black - 816
Overall light grey - 993
Bare metal - 997
Golden Yellow - 948
Primer - 982
Nakajima Navy green - Model Air 007
Mitsubishi Navy green - Panzer Aces 334
Kawasaki Army green - Panzer Aces 336
Nakajima Navy grey - Panzer Aces 344
Mitsubishi Grey green - Panzer Aces 340
Propeller and prop color - Panzer aces 312
Aotake Translucent lacquer - Silver first then when dry 2:1 Tamiya Clear Blue to Tamiya Clear Green over top of the silver.( Only paint I could find to match this amazing color!)But does it look good!!
Any comments welcome.( Please)