Several wiring is added, made of thin wire and thin metal pipe. The intake manifold gets some wrapping made of tamiya tape, colored in beige and oil colors. After all parts were mounted the engine gets some weathering made of oil color put on everything, later wiped away, The steel parts were polished for some shinig

The wooden parts were made of oil colors. Firstly I sprayed some beige acryl colors on everything, the wood was painted with oil colors in different kind of beige, brown, red and dark brown. Later I will add a dark brown washing to detail the several planks a little more.
The decals in the cockpit were also added, the glasses made of crystal clear. The bezels follow in silver and black. Also some further details will be added on that too. The screws on the floor were painted in silver with a tooth pick.

The tank firstly was painted in golden, then salt was put on it and later colored in green. Some washings will follow.
The pilot seat received a wooden frame (oil colors as above), the leather itself a first painting in dark brwon, then several brown and dark read oil colors followed.
