I know what you mean about prototype vs. in trials vs. in development. The problem with the Huckebein is that it was fully engineered, there were free-flight gliders and windtunnel models, but there were no human-sized flight articles.
So, since the plane was never in the hardware stage, I figure it's a "what if", since I painted it and armed it as if it was in combat.
That's were What If gets tough. Theoretically, an He-280 in combat colours and markings is a What If, too, even though it existed as a plane.
That's what I love about What If though, too; it's all about perspective and imagination. It's a nice break from rivet counting!
I did enter this in a show once, in 1/48 Jet, and I was told to move it to their "Catch 22" category, which included What If. I said it was closer to a real plane than a Whif, but they disagreed. See, all perspective!
Thanks for the compliments, too.
Oh, and I have a TONNE of Napkin designs to build too!