I bought a couple these, for the Azur PZL P24 and P11, over a month ago. A piece of brass with the details painted on and adhesive on the back. Very similar to Eduard's prepainted, self-adhesive PE sets. The Azur kits contain a comprehensive PE set but lack an instrument panel or a decal for it. As they are much better than you can achieve by painting by hand they make a fairly inexpensive enhancement. I am not sure if they would be an improvement over a decal. The only problem with the P11 is that it is not an accurate portrayal of the instrument panel.
Very recently they introduced a set of seatbelts and wheel masks for the P11.
Not all from the above list are available yet and the only item they are contemplating in 1/48 at the moment is an instrument panel for the Mirage PZL P.11c.
You can find out what is available and have a close up look at the items on their website:
http://yahumodels.siemianowice.com/katalog-iiThey are available from Jadar Shop
http://www.jadarhobby.pl/aircraft-172-1144-c-18_1358.html?filter_id=437and in the UK from Story Models.