Humble beginnings of my SSD.III 1611/18 piloted by Kessler (first name and rank are unknown).
1/32 Roden kit with Eduard PE seatbelts, Master Model Spandau PE cooling jackets / turned brass barrels and Brengun.cz PE updates (as reviewed on this fine website and caught my attention almost immediately)

Notes on the Roden kit:
I'm calling it a "throwback" kit, thanks to amount of flash and bad fit - even the fuselage halves require sanding at the connection planes.
No instrument decals, though I was able to pillage my WingNut Wings spares box.

Though lozenge that comes with the kit is pre-cut, it is going straight to the bin - I've had horrible time with Roden lozenge before (too stiff, too brittle, colors and shapes are questionable) and this one promises to be no better (I've already flaked off a bit of a decal just by accidentally swiping it with a finger nail)

This kit is being donated with WingNut Wings spare lozenge decals (fingers crossed I have enough) - lower wing is mostly done and 0.01" jeweler's wire is anchored in preparation for rigging (this will be knuckle dragging "through wing" rigging job)

No notes on Master Spandau updates. PE pre-painted seatbelts are dandy, except for I can't anneal them without baking off the paint (I assume) - so I need to bend hard brass around relatively wimpy seat arrangement.
Brengun PE is dandy as well, except for one would wish for more detailed instructions - information is sparse and I'm having to review most of the piece placement by reviewing Windsock Datafile plans and photos. Color information is lacking, even on additional pieces, so one has to figure out what these pieces are and what color should be applied.
Fit of PE is good and pretty exact, details are sharp and crisp so really glad I chose to use it. Interior is receiving some updates, while most of the fine detail will find itself on panels behind the engine but in front of the pilot...
Really looking towards the getting to closed up fuselage - varnished wood, all the PE details and having it all come together.