A year ago I went to a modelling exhibition a Yeovilton Aircraft Museum. There I came across a wonderful stand with impressive 1/32nd figures of WWI pilots. The Stand was MDP Model display Products. I spoke to a guy behind the stand and asked if he had any 1/48th scale WWI pilots? no came the reply to my dismay. Explaining that there were numerous modelers of 1/48 WWI aircraft with both Eduard and Roden kits available there is a poor selection to say the least of figures to accompany them. I left the stand and thought no more of it. To my surprise a year later the same guy grabbed me at the latest Yeovilton show as said Good to see you again I noted what you said and take a look at these, they are fresh out of the moulds.

Well blow me down god bless Elan13 who produce figures for MDP they had listened and produced these figures which are just about to go on sale.
http://www.modeldisplayproducts.co.uk/They are not on the web site yet But I bought these two figures with graditude and a certain thought that "somebody does listen"
Good luck to elan13 for listening.