Joel I can understand your comment on yet another thinner, but in fairness it is not up to a paint manufacturer to produce a paint that works with someone elses thinner. It is up to them to provide a paint that is easy to use, easy to apply, easy to clean up and that provides an accurate finish as they see it. The thinner should then make the previous statements possible and for all we know could be exactly the same as somebody elses thinner, but if they do not have control over someone elses thinner, it could be changed and result in the paint not working as advertised; the result we as modellers kick off putting the product down as a whole and it would all be because they advised the use of someone elses thinner.
I actually looked at this product for consideration after getting a Revell Cobra model, I have not made a decision yet on the matter but the thinner is not something that bothers me.
On the subject of thinner: I do wish a company would state on their thinner the recommended thinning rate for their paint line and take away some of the guess work, something modellers often struggle with, especially so when first using a spray brush.