I have been searching around trying to find some different paint schemes for the A6M5 zero.
The pic below (according to the site I found this on) is of an M5 zero model. I think this is a cool scheme and am seriously thinking of attempting this one on my 1/32 Tamiya zero.
This may be a really dumb question but here goes.. Do any of you know by chance what group, squadron, etc....this scheme could be from? Or is there any way of ever knowing??
Also the base color is obviously the white/gray and the darker green would be the IJN green.
What color would I use to match the lighter green of the camo?
I see the Rising Sun campaigne has started and I am real sorry to have to bow out on this one. There is just no way I could comfortably get this zero done in the time limits involed. At least, not without feeling rushed and not doing the work on it that I really want to do.

Good modeling,