Thanks Richard, I have tweaked the masks, especially mask 13, so I have had to make some changes to the packaging to reflect this and they are now ready to go. I am working on the packaging for the other elments.

Mask 13 took an afternoon and the following morning to get right. For an element that isn't included in the official camo marking guide the time spent on this one mask, and the amount of explanation within the instructions and the photo that I have now included would seem to be disproportional! However there is no point in doing this if it isn't done correctly. It was touch and go for a time, I can't tell you how many times I cut, tested, re-designed, cut tested, again and again......etc, etc!

When I sussed out what was actually required it didn't then take too long to finalise it

The promised photos; The model is only taped together and the strips along the fuselage are to check that the masks fall beyond the demarkation line.

Hi Richard, you will love it