It looks like it does come with kiwi markings: A few points to note, looking at the colour guide: paint colour specified, correct colour is FS26440. Hopefully the markings are the right shade of blue-grey, but they can't be any worse than the model alliance sheet which is almost green.
The NZ doesn't have a white underside, the FS26440 is on all external surfaces, although those surfaces with the non slip grip tread coating look darker and browner because they get grubby and can never be got completely clean.
I don't know what the thing aft of the lower ARC-210 antenna is, (ARC-210 antenna being the blade antenna on the top and bottom of the rear fuselage) it's not on ours, nor is the odd right angled thingee half way down the underside. Our cargo hook doesn't have the fairing around it. Also, generally we have the decklock underneath.
Good to see the smoke marker dispensers correctly mounted on the aft fuse.
Our fuel tank filler caps are not red.
Mavericks and LAU117s should be FS 26440 as well, although since there are no outboard pylons it is a bit of a moot point. The aircraft do sometimes fly without outboard pylons so if you don't feel up to scratch building those (assuming they aren't on the sprues somewhere) the kit is still accurate in that sense.
The Mk-46 Torpedo isn't the colour specified, it's mostly varying shades of metallic green, with an orange air stabiliser parachute on the aft end and a black rubber nose protector fitted until take off. However we almost never load a war shot (I'm not sure we have ever loaded one, except maybe for a trial once), and the dummy torpedo that we do load is actually bright orange with a black band spiralling along its length, but again, without outboard pylons that's a bit academic since torpedoes can't be carried on the inboard stations of the SH-2G(NZ). The kit comes with the correct 100gal Aux tanks too (the longer ones), which are carried on the inboard stations.
If you wish to model and SH-2G(I) which is currently entering service to replace the SH-2G(NZ) there are a host of additional external modifications for the EW sensors and the beacon airfoil unit. Also the I model has a glass cockpit and is painted in a fairly complicated three tone cammo scheme, with the markings in contrasting colours depending on which part of the airframe they are on.