Modern (1975-today)
Discuss the modern aircraft age from 1975 thru today.
Brazilian Air Force receives the first modern
Santa Catarina, Brazil
Joined: March 28, 2013
KitMaker: 241 posts
AeroScale: 239 posts
Posted: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 - 01:09 AM UTC
The link below provides exclusive pictures taken this morning and a report related to FAB 7103 (c/n 110488), the first modernized P-95 delivered to the Brazilian Air Force and assigned to the Second Squadron of the Eighth Aviation Group, based in Florianópolis Air Force Base / SC. A total of eight P-95 will be modernized (four to Florianopolis and four for Belém / PA). Changes include a new radar and new navigation systems, sensors and digital cockpit. I count on your visit. Very soon I hope to bring more detailed pictures of the aircraft and a full report. Stay tuned!


Best Regards!