OK, let’s start.
Wheel wells shouldn’t be perfect circle like ICM done, they have more complex shape, small plexiglas windows are missed as well

Wheel wells aren’t empty at all, there’s a lot of detail that ICM missed (note that fuel tank should be black, not yellow like on these photos).

Here’s my correction in progress.

Exhaust pipes. Here’s drawing from original manual

As you can see, pipe should be oval 57x96 mm (about 1.2x2 mm in 48th), ICM have made round pipes about 0.8 mm in diameter. Here is comparison with Moskit’s pipe that has correct dimensions, openings in the cowl are way too small as well.
Surface details.
Overlapped panels on the fabric(!!!) surfaces

These panels are fiction, there’s no one picture of them

Drill these:

Mould defects

Wheel cower:

Engine shutters.
There were 3 different shutters.
The early for M-25 engine

For M-62 engine (the most widespread)

For M-63 (late):

ICM gave the once for M-63 engine, but 3 opening in the lower part of shutters must be open no matter if the shutters are fully open or closed

Gear legs.
Torque link missed

This brace ICM gave as a simple rod (part 26), hydrocylinder missed

Cockpit floor

There are some other issues.