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AH-1W skid color?
Vermont, United States
Joined: July 21, 2002
KitMaker: 3,569 posts
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 03:25 AM UTC
Ok, so it's a only slammer, Italeri's 1/72 Super Cobra AH-1W.
But the box art and painting instructions are in marked disagreement.

Cover art has the skids as dk green, painting instructions ON THE BACK OF THE SAME BOX has them black.

Has anyone got a color profile, a walk around, or knows firsthand about the grey, green and black scheme for the Whiskey Cobras (hellfire and rocket pods)

In the grand cosmic scale of things it's not very important, but the anal-retentive in me would like it to be 'right'

North Carolina, United States
Joined: January 13, 2003
KitMaker: 1,036 posts
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 03:43 AM UTC
Here ya go Mike. I found this for ya if it is the scheme your looking for..

The rocket pods can either be OD green or white depending on your preferance. OD Green seems to be the popular color though.

The launchers seem to be a dark gray almst black as in the pic below. I know the Cobra in the pic is the Gray scheme, but changing the colors of launchers and wepons systems are done at a depot level not at the unit itself we were only allowed to do touch ups to prevent corrosion.

Hope these pics help

Vermont, United States
Joined: July 21, 2002
KitMaker: 3,569 posts
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 05:18 AM UTC
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for.

A little googling around, and some asking here and there leads me to think that the skids are not 'standardized' in color being green, black or even an extension of the cammo pattern.

The hellfire pic is a great one! Thanks! I'll probably not carve away the Italeri noses and add clear seeker heads, but a little silver and future dip is definately in order!

Justin (my smiley constultant) tells me to use the blaster smiley this time.
North Carolina, United States
Joined: January 13, 2003
KitMaker: 1,036 posts
AeroScale: 286 posts
Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 09:12 PM UTC

You are right about the skid color. It usualy is a color of the scheme the helo is in, but not part of the camo pattern. No Standard color either. The Newer gray scheme ones have Gray skids. They usually do have a nonskid surface on the top of them. Seeing that your building a 1/72 scale though that may not matter. Just an fyi for ya. If I could find that pic for ya I would.

As for the Smiley. Justin was dead on. When closing a message with a Hellfire comment only the blaster one will do. Excellent choice!!!!
