Hey guys, a friend challenged me to build a kit over the weekend, so I heartily accepted the challenge. my build of choice was the new tool 1/72 airfix hurricane mk1.
The build was very straightforward, with no fit problems and good detail on the externals, the cockpit was fairly basic but its not something many people will see.
i used this build as a test bed for my new iwata and as a mini break from my ME 262. Paints were Tamiya and lifecolour and I was a bit naughty and freehanded the camo, I know that RAF camo was hard edge but I wanted to see how tight I could get the spray pattern. I mixed a custom mix with Tamiya black and ultramarine and a little brown to try and match the RAF "night" shade used on the underside.
I preshaded with Tamiya black, laid down the camo, then added a bit of post shading with diluted tamiya black, ( cant get the hang of tamiya smoke, it ruins the finish everytime for me) added a hogwash dirt and grime wash and some darker artist oil washes with indigo and burnt umber. chipping was done with metalcote polished aluminium and the exhausts were alclad engine manifold and a mist of black.
Here she is. Any pointers, all constructive critisism is more than welcome.