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airfix bleinham instructions help !
England - South West, United Kingdom
Joined: January 06, 2007
KitMaker: 3,661 posts
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Posted: Tuesday, July 05, 2016 - 03:28 PM UTC
Hello, need a little help regarding instructions, I have misplaced my airfix new tool bleinham mk1 instructions, does anyone have a scan they could send me or a link.
Much appreciated.
Uusimaa, Finland
Joined: March 30, 2004
KitMaker: 2,845 posts
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Posted: Saturday, July 16, 2016 - 06:12 AM UTC
Are you still looking? If so, I think these should do it:
- http://airfixtributeforum.myfastforum.org/Airfix_1_72_Bristol_Blenheim_IVF_A04017__about47498.html
- http://www.scalemodellingnow.com/hnaircraftkits-airfix-bristol-blenheim-mk1

The first link has the instructions from the mk.IVF boxing and the second has most of the mk.I instructions - looking at both should get you yield a pretty much full experience.
The only things which don't appear to be captured in the photos of the mk.I instructions and that are different in the mk.IVF instructions are pretty much self-explanatory (e.g. use the single-MG turret, etc).

P.s. having built the mk.I kit last year, I thought I had the instructions somewhere so I could have scanned them, but seems I have thrown them away already. Sorry.