World War II: Japan
Aircraft of Japan in WWII.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
Ki-49 Donyru, Old Revell
Staff MemberManaging Editor
Tennessee, United States
Joined: December 21, 2002
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Posted: Monday, September 12, 2016 - 07:57 AM UTC
Hi Group,

This is the old Revell of Japan Helen. I built it in 1982. I built her OOB* and painted her with the late-great Pactra International paints.

Sadly, masking the canopy was beyond my ability at the time. The model assembled well and except for the unique bombardier's nose section-to-fuselage joint, and along the bottom of the fuselage. I apologize that the model is missing the nose cap and the pitot tube - I know where they are but must unpack them.

Over the years something has cause the paint to yellow in places. The decals are deteriorating, too. I may strip and reapply the decals. Fixing the paint - I want a NMF but I may camouflage her, too.

*I custom made the tail insignia of the 46th Hiko Sentai.
Queensland, Australia
Joined: April 23, 2015
KitMaker: 4,648 posts
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Posted: Monday, September 12, 2016 - 09:48 AM UTC
That is an oldie! Persomally, I'd blame the Pactra silver paint. I don't think that stuff ever really dried.

However, you did a nice job on her. Special praise for the custom squadron insignia on the tail. I had noticed it before I read that you'd made it.

Personally, I'd try ebay and redo it from scratch if I was looking to feel some nostalgia.

Good job!
