This is a gallery of my recently finished Swallow #2.
The RS Models kit probably represents the production version of the Ki-61-II-Kai, armed with 2 x 12.7 mm (.50 in) machine guns in the wings and 2 x 20 mm cannon in the fuselage. In this version it returned to the wings of the Ki-61-I-Tei, fuselage was extended by 220 mm, vertical tail was enlarged, and it used Ha-140 engine, the equivalent of DB-605.
The machine, which my miniature is meant to represent, was deprived of machine guns in the wings, presumably in order to reduce weight and improve performance.
I am not very happy with the result, I made a lot of mistakes during the finishing stage, but the lessons have been learned. Hope you like it anyway.
Feel free to watch and comment.

Best regards