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F-16 Two Tone Camouflage
Bangkok, Thailand / ไทย
Joined: November 20, 2016
KitMaker: 18 posts
AeroScale: 15 posts
Posted: Saturday, December 17, 2016 - 02:39 AM UTC
Greetings everyone : )

I am currently trying to paint a two tone F-16CJ.

Cybermodeller reference recommends C307 for the lighter and C305 for the darker color using Gunze paint. However, after having purchased both colors, I think C307 appears to me to be MUCH too dark and blue. Am I mistaken in this belief?

If I am not, which of the following would you think would be the best combination?


If none of these are acceptable, which color would you recommend?

Apologies again for my many color related questions, I couldnt seem to make good questions regarding them