I am building a 1:72 Po-2 by ICM at the moment and although the model quality is excellent, I have noticed an important, very visible part completely omitted. Looks like ICM forgot about the exhaust pipe for top and left pistons. It is the one in the circle in the picture below.

At this angle it look like a straight tube with bent ends, but it is actually curved around the nose. So far I have only ever tried to scratch build very simple straight rods out of sprues by grinding them down with a file until I had a required thickness. This technique will not work for such an out of shape piece. I was thinking that maybe I could try a tightly rolled piece of paper instead? Do you have any suggestions on how to approach this thing?
Also I wanted to build my Po-2 as a Battle of Stalingrad machine from 588th Night Bomber Regiment, the famous “Nachthexen”. I have recently seen a documentary that showed Po-2 used to air drop supplies to 62nd Army. The plane had crates and sacks tied to the wings and fuselage. The backseater would lean out and cut the rope with a knife to drop the goods. The plane looked so much cooler with this improvised contraption than with those purpose-built containers that we see on the box art. What materials would you use to attempt to build the ammo crates and sacks of food? Polymer clay comes to my mind, but I think it might react with the plastic.
I enclose picture of the containers and a (very poor quality) screenshot of the stuff I would like to scratch build.