I had originally wanted to build a 1/48 scale model of a flying boat design I found in a recently published book, "Beyond the Spitfire: the unseen designs of RJ Mitchell". The flying boat was to have a gull wing, sponsons, and four Goshawks, with the inlet for the radiator being the entire leading edge. It was also to have the COW gun. This was Type 232, and was a proposal for a patrol/recce aircraft. While no dimensions were given, I guesstimate that it would have been roughly the size of a Lancaster or similar. While it was never even considered seriously(due to the choice of engine), it still tickled me a bit, as I have a soft spot in my heart for gull wings(except the Corsair. Don't count me as a fan) and flying boats with sponsons, so I'd been considering it as a scratch build project.
However, I wasn't so sure about my relative skill level, yet, as far as scratch building is concerned. Hence the choice of the Vulcan. Since then, I've been trying to find pointers and techniques, and things finally got going when I happened upon a copy of Meng with a multi-part build article of a 1/48 Stirling. I've learned quite a bit from the series, having ordered the other parts(it is no yet finished), and getting points from them.
The Vulcan is a bit simpler than the Stirling, and there aren't as many details as the Stirling has, so I think this might not only be a lot of fun, but a learning experience. Now, the only thing I have to get more information on is rigging, which shouldn't be much of a difficulty.