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And what about a French Air force or French "aéronavale" set ?
The only set Hataka do for the French colours is -
Standard colours of French aircraft in 1940Contains the following colours (acrylic paints, water-based):
HTK-A079 – Brun Foncé – Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French AF camouflage scheme (one of variants of recommended „brown” colour)
HTK-A080 – Vert – Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French AF camouflage scheme (one of variants of recommended „green” colour)
HTK-A081 – Terre de Sienne – Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French AF camouflage scheme (one of variants of recommended „brown” colour)
HTK-A082 – Gris Bleu Foncé – Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French Air Force camouflage scheme of all land-based aircraft
HTK-A083 – Gris Bleu Clair – Used for lower surfaces in 1938 standard French Air Force camouflage scheme of all
land-based aircraft
HTK-A084 – Kaki Français – Used for upper surfaces in 1938 standard French AF camouflage scheme (one of variants of recommended „green” colour)