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Seems like an excellent thing for a diorama but why in 1/72 scale? This seems like an 1/48 or 1/35 scale item to me.
Hi Drabslab
Which is another way of saying we have a total mess of too many “not quite matching” scales.
1:72 vs 1:76 was a muddle even in my earliest days, and caused a good deal of bewilderment amongst kids of my generation when Airfix mixed the two scales – resulting in some obvious mis-matches that rang wrong even for 10-12-year olds.
1:48 – was fine… but, of course 1:43 vehicle modellers wouldn’t agree, along with those who thought 1:50 was more logical…
And then the infamous 1:35 vs 1:32 debacle! And here I hold my hands up as “guilty”, because I (along with all my school friends) bought all those early Tamiya kits! In retrospect, we should never have accepted 1:35 – but we were totally suckered by the amazing motors and remote controls - because it threw the biggest spanner imaginable into the works and didn’t fit with any of the established 1:32 / 54mm stuff we already had!
If I had a time machine and could alter one point in modelling history, a visit to Tamiya in the 1960s would be my target.

All the best