Its all SH fault as they included a gorgeous looking resin engine in this boxing, which just cries out to be built, so I did, and with Rowans double build of the earlier Tempests having stalled I just thought what the hell, lets just dive in

Anyhoo, the customary boxart and info,
Kit - Tempest MK.V "Hi Tech"
Item No - SH 32070
Price - £70 ish

The first job to do (about halfway through the instruction booklet btw) was get the front of the aircraft ready for the inclusion of the resin engine, so the cowling panels need to be cut off and a groove around the edge of the lower front needs channeling out.

Then comes the best bit, the engine.
This is made up of quite a few resin parts, and is beautifully detailed.

Built up and painted, with some wiring (not included in kit).

With the engine built up, I think I had best go back to the beginning of the instructions and build the cockpit.
So stayed tuned
