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What type of paint scheme are you going to use?
I forgot to ask what kind of primer you used, Wingman
:-) The scheme will be RLM 71/70 over 65 (
ish )
:-) I use Halfords white plastic primer. Halfords is an auto store in the UK, the primer is for cars.
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One question: Is there some uneveness or glue/plastic residue around the nose cone seam? Perhaps those are lumps that are supposed to be there. Part-timer
:-) There is a lump, that's supposed to be there, but there is also a small gap, just to the left of it. This is one reason for using primer, this gap didn't show before. There is another, towards the front of the port wing/fuselage join and a small place needing a little attention on the spine.
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Is it the Revell of Germany 1/48 kit? propboy44256
:-) Yes, which is a re-boxing of the Hasegawa kit, so yes to Wingman too :-) It is a very good kit, get the Revell boxing though, it will be cheaper. I got mine for Christmas