This is exactly what Tamiya should be doing, and the naysayers are all wrong.
The ease of assembly is what goes hand in hand with the infinite variety of schemes, and there is more decals for this aircraft, and more variety of schemes, than for any other type. I agree that a Ki-43II would have been a good choice, but this one, the MOST produced fighter variant of all time, at 23 000, they simply HAD to do...
The Zvezda is a hard build, and the Eduard still has a lot of accuracy problems (even the corrected mould).
10-15 years ago, all Tamiya was doing was wasting our time with one-scheme dullards like the He-162, Do-335 or, worse yet, the J1N1 Irving (Good Lord!). Even their inaccurate bellied, thick-framed Fi-156, and the ugly Swordfish (not Tamiya's fault, but still, no one forced them to pick this one) were hardly inspiring stuff...
I, for one, am glad they have finally STOPPED with this oddball trash, and FINALY improved in accuracy, because even their P-47D was a long way off from an accurate canopy and fuselage... Their F4U, Ki-46 and now their Ki-61 were really flawless, and hopefully, despite the dud that was the Il-2, this 109G-6 will finally establish this trend for good...