Richard, Carl, Joel, many thanks for your comments. I have seen the "tide marks" from the salt that you are referring to, feint white stains in the flat paint surface, but to be honest I'm not concerned. This will be getting a sludge wash and any feint white marks will just add to the variation and texture.
And on with the show!
Yellow paint applied, a couple of mist coats to stop the salt from being blown off, then a couple of heavier coats.

After a couple of days to settle, I took to it with a flat paint brush with the bristles cut very short. I usually use it for dry-brushing, but it worked really well for this. I went over it and knocked off the larger, easier crystals first, then had to go back and attack it much more aggressively to get the finer crystals to dislodge.

There are some really fine crystals still under the paint, but they look like rough surface or rust bubbles, so I'm going to leave them there for some textural variation.

Next up for the frame is some detail paint on the wheels and some washes and stains.
Test fitted the engine on the frame, because it feels like progress!

Finally, blew some Burnt Metal onto the exhausts.

These will get some pale pastels to add variation and texture.
Cheerio, D