Recently, I picked up a really nice kit from Master X. This is the 1/48 scale DFS-40, which was a beautiful experimental flying wing Alexander Lippisch designed. While the kit itself is quite nice, even for a resin kit, high quality, the building instructions leave a bit to be desired, and there are no color references. And looking at the extant photographic record, all being black and white, you really don't know what it was colored, although I suspect RLM grey overall. But then, what about the interior colors? Perhaps RLM grey, as this was a primer, but I'm not sure, because as an experimental, the interior might simply be bare aluminum. I just don't know, so am asking.
But the model itself is gorgeous, I've had a crush on it ever since I saw the photo of it in Lippisch's book, Delta Wing, which is chock full of modelling possibilities, if one desires to build more than just the Me163, and various Luft 46 offerings.