I looked at the engine cowl and thought UGH! Sink marks, shape is soft and possibly wrong. Then looked through the kit ..... wait a minute! No exhausts well Sugar Honey Ice Tea! Okay lets kill two birds with one resin stone so to speak. I got Quickboost's Spitfire Mk XIV cowl and exhausts for the Academy kit. Hobbycraft and Academy kits often share a common heritage so I thought this should work. Well almost the fuselage needed a little cinching in to Make it work but it fit rather well. But I get ahead of the build process.
I started by assembling the cockpit bulkheads and frame then gluing them into one side of the fuselage. Then trapping them in place with the other half of the fuselage taping it all together and then leaving it to dry. The next day I separated the halves and set about attaching the other piece of resin I got for it a seat as the Hobbycraft one while not bad wasn't great either. I used superglue gel and kicker to set once it was in place properly. Then it was on with a coat of Tamiya cockpit green and Tamiya Rubber black for the I.P. and junction boxes. The seat back got a coat of Tamiya red brown to simulate the leather backrest. The seat belts and buckles were painted with Humbrol enamels. This was followed by an oil wash to darken and dirty the cockpit.