I have the original issue of the kit, about five years or thereabouts so I don't reckon it has the CAD resin(but very nice stuff nevertheless). Great detail, easy build minus the resin work(nothing special; always wear a mask, o.k.?) and this blurb doesn't begin to describe just how nice this kit is. If you enlarge the kit photo above, you'll see the wings and fuse are both wood, not fabric-neither are the ailerons; however the tail feathers are. For sure wood grain decals or being good at painting wood grains is a must. The wing has a bird-like planform, most evident in the tips. Another pleasing part is the tail feathers, very 'dawn of flight' construction. A side note, due to the extremely damp-to-wet conditions the plane served in, wood veneer would warp, which was one of the deciding factors for withdrawal from frontline service. The design and assembly records pointed to an inferior shellac, which under the aforementioned weather conditions weakened and yellowed, cracking and chipping with flight use. This allowed moisture into the wood all the way to the stringers causing failures. This was rectified and all future craft served admirably. Thumbs up to all stringbaggers-go get one.