Michael, I vote for the one that says "Glare". Just my two cents worth.
I got the bird painted! I'm using Alclad's polished aluminum and aluminum. I've not tried their aluminum before, and really prefer their airframe aluminum.
Painting all the small stuff went smooth, and looks pretty good. The airframe on the other hand gave me a pebbled finish. Not sure if it was due to wind or what, but it seems there's a lot of firsts in my new location that didn't happen where I was. I'm thinking environmental, so more experimentation.
I wound up smoothing things out as best I could using a cotton tee shirt rag. Then I hit a few panels with duraluminum, and a little polished. I'm also noticing a spotty coverage. Not my most satisfying paint job. However, the wife thinks it looks like a metal plane, and since it's going to her, I'll leave it.
Next came the decaling. I opted to use the kit decals as I've not tried them before, except for an insignia in a pinch, for the insignia and the lower stencils. I used Superscale # 48-589 P-47D Thunderbolt wingmen 313FS/50th FG, for the uppers and nose art.
The decals performed well from Tamiya, a bit thick, but a coat of future and they should blend right in. The Superscale decals were great, the markings were questionable. Such as the gun numbers being wrong, so I used the Tamiya ones.
Despite my poor effort on this, it is a very nice kit. Next a little touch up, some minor weathering, and then the little parts and she's done.