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Color correctness aside for a moment; isn't it almost cheating to purchase a high quality, already made part and simply substitute it in the building of your model?
Modeling at a high level of accuracy and skill often requires talents few of us have. It's why they call those people MASTER modelers.
For me, any kit is a series of compromises where I have to determine what level of authenticity, accuracy and (super)detailing I can bring off. All kits for me are a series of compromises, and sometimes that involves using AM additions like pre-printed instrument panels: I simply don't have the skill to render a 1/32nd scale instrument face in the same level of minute accuracy as a printed version like this one.
Does that make me less of a modeler? Definitely. But there are many models and insufficient time. So on some matters, I'll pay the extra price and enjoy the shortcut.
And nothing makes an aircraft model "sing" more than a highly-detailed cockpit.