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Ghost stories part 1
Staff MemberCampaigns Administrator
Scotland, United Kingdom
Joined: June 08, 2015
KitMaker: 1,505 posts
AeroScale: 193 posts
Posted: Sunday, July 08, 2018 - 07:43 AM UTC
Hi all,

well we all like a good yarn, nothing like a ghost story or two to help pass the night away with friends. whilst at work i have been working my way through several of Bruce Barrymore Halfpenny's "Ghost Stations" books.

They are fun to read although there are some stories laced with a fair amount of romantic twaddle in them and he does get hung up on Guy Gibson and his dog... as they seem to get a mention in all of the books of his, (i have read 5 of them thus far)

one story did interest me as it's based at what used to RAF Lichield (formerly Fradley aerodrome) and being a nosy type i asked around as i visit the place every night of the week. Had any one seen the headless airman? He's supposed to have been seen in one of the hangers and at the old control tower.

the simple answer to this is no... however one of the managers there refuses to use the hanger where he was reported to have been seen as the office door has a habit of opening itself and there is no one there turning the handle.

so does anyone here have any ghost stories about RAF bases or any military bases in the UK or perhaps further afield?