At this topic I will try to re-create the next BG plane for my collection

She will be a TU-134 A of BG Air Force. The model is not at big scale, it's 1/72 A-model, but it is a large bird

Here is the photo of a real her:

For a lot of details and re-work I will use a resin engines from Amigo models and resin wheels from Armory.
Of course we must do a lot of scratch for the interior and for cockpit

And here is the start: shape to gather the two halfs of the fuselage, because each one it's from three parts. Re-size the windows because the clear parts are bigger with 0.5 mm

and start to work over the interior - !!! you must take-off a lot of plastic from the kit part if you want the two parts of fuselage to fit perfectly

Cheers my friends