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I hope this one and the Tomcat find their way to 1/32nd scale soon.
Noooooo-- I absolutely hope not in 1/32! I've been waiting so long for a Tamiya 1/32 Mk 1 that I've given up. Instead I found myself an old 1960s Revell Mk1 issue, which by the way has absolutely beautiful engraved exterior panel lines (interior sucks though). I plan to combine it with Revell's newer MkII interior-- a new Tamiya version will just screw up my plans miserably! Then I won't have the terrific challenge of cutting, filing, sanding and shaping my own Mk1, with all the subsequent swearing, elbow grease and head banging-- no, I'd rather have Tamiya bring out a new 109 or FW190, not a new Spit, because we certainly don't have enough 1/32 Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs on the market do we? Certainly there's room for another darned ME 109 in the market isn't there? We can't have enough of those kits can we? Leave us 1/32 Spitfire addicts alone so we can "build something from nothing" with the ancient kits we have in our stashes! Of course the only way to be sure Tamiya WILL bring out a Mk1 is for me to finish my "composite" MK1-- maybe I should get started!
VR, Russ