The new blades look really nice. However, they are only installed on UH/MH-60M models, not retrofitted to earlier Black Hawks. The M has many other features as well like upgraded engines and transmissions, fly by wire, different step fairings below the pilots' doors, open steps on the fuselage sides, folding rear stabilator, Upturned Exhaust System (UES) on latest models, all-glass cockpit, new pilots' and crew/troop seats that are crashworthy, upgraded missle warning electronics, etc., etc., etc.... It is a very different aircraft.

EDIT: Scaleworx is also making a conversion for the UES that can be added to UH-60Ls and be used to convert one into a UH-60M (along with using their new composite rotor blades). Hopefully, they will make the rest of the H-60M mods and release a full H-60M conversion set.