Due to stress at work and a training and uncertainity I could do the mottling scheme I put it aside. Having finished my La-5 I now return to this but not without a challenge. Due to the home decoration I got no workspace AND most of my paints and stuff is behind a heap of other stuff in the garage. So I can just cut, clean and glue abit. This makes that I try to clean and assemble as much as possible. And cleaning I do need to this. My first verdict is that it is not a perfect model but this package of a big bag of plastic and lots of nice detail for €35,- is a steal.The box with sub assemblies and parts fill quickly.

Well there are a view weird attachment points on the engine part. Points?? Hmm more strips, will have to sand down this abit. There were four of these strips on both engine caps


The lower hull with lower wings. I needed to help this a bit to get the undercarriage part in place. Dry fitting with the hull will show if I can proceed.

I can only build with good weather in the gardin till 5pm. So pray with me for good weather next weekend!
Greetings Lars