The one kind of What If that’s pretty hard to come by, though, is a “real” What If. In other words, hardware that was developed, but only barely made it into prototype or limited production but didn’t get used. One example of this is the Bachem Natter; the Ba-349 was produced in small numbers, and was deployed in Operation Krokus. However, Natters never saw action (much to their pilots’ relief, I’m sure) and while a few were captured, nothing ever became of them.
To go along with such a rare “real” What If, Brengun made another “real” What If kit – the wooden trailer/launch rail that was supposed to be used for launching the Natter! This is a really weird kit, and is, very unusually for me, a resin model. However, since I do like Natters, I thought it would be cool to build it.
Check it out at the link below, and you’ll see how you can probably imagine a couple of other uses for it too!