Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Wingnut Wings: Goerings White Fokker DVII
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England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, September 15, 2019 - 09:50 PM UTC

Wingnut Wings is to release in November Herman Goerings white painted Fokker DVII F in 1/32 scale

Read the Full News Story

If you have comments or questions please post them here.

North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, September 15, 2019 - 11:18 PM UTC
What a cool release,would look great.
Iowa, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 16, 2019 - 03:55 AM UTC
I'm not sure why anyone would want to release a model celebrating that arrogant nazi......I love WnW kits but there is no way I would buy that one...
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New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 16, 2019 - 04:05 AM UTC

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I'm not sure why anyone would want to release a model celebrating that arrogant nazi......I love WnW kits but there is no way I would buy that one...

He was an important historical figure, a highly-decorated ace during the Great War and took over command of Richthofen's Flying Circus after the latter's death. Arrogant? Sure. But not insignificant.

I understand your point, but by that logic, we should build no Waffen SS tanks, for example.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 16, 2019 - 04:27 AM UTC

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I'm not sure why anyone would want to release a model celebrating that arrogant nazi......I love WnW kits but there is no way I would buy that one...

Because its a cool looking bird
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, September 16, 2019 - 04:42 AM UTC
"I'm not sure why anyone would want to release a model celebrating that arrogant nazi"........."Arrogant Nazi"....was there any other kind of Nazi?

If you adopt this mindset Steve, it must pretty much eliminate anything WW2 German from your modelling repertoire. There are plenty of AM decals to do it as another bird and I don't think the BMW (F) engine version of the DVII will be released again anytime soon if you want one and aren't prepared to see past the box lid.

Iowa, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 16, 2019 - 05:08 AM UTC
@ bill_c, so if someone released a model of Corporal Hitler sitting in his WWI trench, would you buy that too?
Washington, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 16, 2019 - 07:00 AM UTC

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@ bill_c, so if someone released a model of Corporal Hitler sitting in his WWI trench, would you buy that too?

Thats a very narrow viewpoint, and actually, I've seen depictions of Corporal Hitler in his WWI trench. There are plenty of models of historical figures that were as bad or worse than Goering. Attila the Hun, Augustus Caesar, Himmler, Tojo or Stalin come to mind. And people still buy and model them--why? Because of their impact on human history--good or bad. But, that's not the point here. Goering was an Imperial German Aviator way before the Nazi regime, an innovative Aviator, a top scoring ace and a protégée of Richtoften. On top of that, his aircraft was marked in quite an unusual manner. There's nothing in this kit to represent the Nazi regime. Asking someone if they'd buy Hitler in his WWI trench is a lot different than buying a bust of Hitler or a swastika (and you see depictions of those at modeling shows, in museums and on film-- do we boycott those too?). By that logic Lindbergh shouldn't be modeled either, since he was hosted by Goering in Germany--so is he a Nazi sympathizer? (he was accused of it for his positive comments about the German aviation industry). Doolittle, and Rickenbacher likewise were hosted by him-- so should we revise history to suit our predelictions toward a subject?
VR, Russ
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 16, 2019 - 07:46 AM UTC

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Quoted Text

@ bill_c, so if someone released a model of Corporal Hitler sitting in his WWI trench, would you buy that too?

Thats a very narrow viewpoint, and actually, I've seen depictions of Corporal Hitler in his WWI trench. There are plenty of models of historical figures that were as bad or worse than Goering. Attila the Hun, Augustus Caesar, Himmler, Tojo or Stalin come to mind. And people still buy and model them--why? Because of their impact on human history--good or bad. But, that's not the point here. Goering was an Imperial German Aviator way before the Nazi regime, an innovative Aviator, a top scoring ace and a protégée of Richtoften. On top of that, his aircraft was marked in quite an unusual manner. There's nothing in this kit to represent the Nazi regime. Asking someone if they'd buy Hitler in his WWI trench is a lot different than buying a bust of Hitler or a swastika (and you see depictions of those at modeling shows, in museums and on film-- do we boycott those too?). By that logic Lindbergh shouldn't be modeled either, since he was hosted by Goering in Germany--so is he a Nazi sympathizer? (he was accused of it for his positive comments about the German aviation industry). Doolittle, and Rickenbacher likewise were hosted by him-- so should we revise history to suit our predelictions toward a subject?
VR, Russ

Well said,my thoughts exactly
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, September 16, 2019 - 08:51 AM UTC
We need to take the politics and PC virtue signalling out of the hobby and on the basis of some submissions, then we should not model or build anything German at all.

What of Rudel's Ju-87 Stuka for example whose decals appear in just about every 'G' boxing in every scale ever released or Michael Wittmann's Tiger 1 which is probably the most (individual identified subject) modelled AFV in the hobby?

Coupled to that, perhaps we should also not paint figures of personalities like Genghis Khan and Julius Caesar who both campaigned more akin to genocide than strategic requirements - or Napoleon who plunged the whole of Europe into war for personal ego - or Hernan Cortes and conquistadors who brought European diseases like Smallpox which virtually eliminated an entire continent's population- or ......I could go on but you get the picture. It is all nonsense PC virtue signalling and nothing more.

Interesting as well how anything Nazi gets jumped all over and yet courtesy of the left wing (especially here in Europe) characters like Stalin who killed millions more than Hitler ever did are treated as some sort of harmless eccentric; hence even the WW2 moniker of "Uncle Joe" to present him as some sort of lovable character...!

However loathsome Goring may have been in later life and what he stood for, it cannot be disputed that in his youth he was a 22 victory ace with the Blue Max to his credit and they didn't award those to mugs.

If you have 'issues' with modelling a subject of someone who eventually morphed into something / someone else, then fine don't buy it but spare the rest of us the PC homily.

p.s. It will also of course sell out like hotcakes given the (aircraft) subject and quality of the product anyway.

England - North, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - 03:37 AM UTC
100% agree with Bill's and Gary's comments above.

- Steve
Washington, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - 04:31 AM UTC
I just ran across a photo of Hanna Reitsch standing next to and smiling and talking with Neil Armstrong. What would we make of that meeting? History is History, you can't change it, it's the way it is. We can acknowledge the achievements of others without honoring them for their failings. Now that we're totally off topic-- I think this will be a great kit. I won't buy it as I already have my WnW DVII, and prefer to put my pennies elsewhere in their fabulous line of kits --the William Barker Snipe also looks fabulous and the figure is very nicely posed in a flying suit. Keep it up WnW-- will they sell the figure separately? They've said they will be releasing a figure line-- I hope these are in it!
VR, Russ
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New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - 07:59 AM UTC

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@ bill_c, so if someone released a model of Corporal Hitler sitting in his WWI trench, would you buy that too?

No, but I'm not interested in the topic.

I have built Waffen SS vehicles, and am always ambiguous about doing so. I often refer to "the Nazis" when discussing the German government in WW2, and I am aware of the atrocities committed even by non-SS units like Grossdeutschland.

Are we depicting history or glorifying the bad guys? It's an individual decision. I am not that interested in Goering's plane (all white, boring), but it did cross my mind because he was a major figure in the air war back then.