Well. Campaign start is coming up, and I've been trying to choose target. A J8 Gloster Gladiator from the Finnish winter war, or a J11 Fiat Cr 42 from the Swedish neutrality defense?
The Gladiators were fitted with skis during the main operation, and I've got the wrong model for that. The Finnish insignias are available on separate decal sheets, but the skis are only possible to find in 1:72. Mine is a Roden in 1:48, without skis.
I have found a photo in a book about the F19 wing (which the volounteer force was called), which shows my specific plane after the operation, but before overhaul and refurbishing back to Swedish Air Force standard. Since the flight home took place in Swedish airspace, all Finnish insignias were overpainted with "macho" and comical symbols. These are also available on decal sheets.

If anyone here have an idea where to find, and order, aftermarket skis, I would prefer to do the Gladiator in "warpaint", but if that is as hard that I have found, I might go "skull and bones". It's an odd look, after all.
Alternative 3 is a J11 Fiat. One of the F9 wings Fiats were left undone when the castor oil systems were rebuilt to more modern standards. A visiting General, who wanted to try a modern biplane, apparently got confused by the odd smell, and crashed the plane at take-off. That too is an individual, worth modelling.

The only problem with that is that the mottling on the Fiat scares me a bit. I haven´t held the airbrush for over 15 years, so I guess I need a bit of practise before attempting something like that.
It seems my picture links does not work. Either I've forgotten how to put them in correctly, or Google Photos is a bad choice of source. Any suggestions?