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Would you care to share with us which paints, masks/masking tape(s), adhesives, putties (if any, since TAMIYA Kits are well-engineered) you used in your build? Airbrush, compressor, etc..?
This is a very welcome build, as far as I'm concerned- Most F-16s one sees on hobby sites in build and review articles are finished in their standard US Air Force tri-color GRAY camouflage schemes. I ESPECIALLY LIKE your execution of the "Russian"-style Aggressor/Adversary paint scheme!
I have this very kit of the 1/48 TAMIYA F-16C/N, as yet un-built in my inventory. She is one of the few "modern" aircraft in my collection, as I mainly concentrate on Second World War subjects. Thanks for mentioning the AIRES detail sets. The second I saw this article, I wondered if you built her "out of the box", or if you added extra details. That's also why I broached the subject of the paint colors and materials! It always helps to have different modellers "take" on their builds, and how they achieved their results!
Thanks Again for sharing this beautiful build of yours with us!
VR, Dennis
Thanks Dennis! I'm really glad you liked it so much. Now let's see if I can remember everything that went in to it...
Other than the Aires set's mentioned, I used the Meng Medium/Long Range Air-to-Air Missile set for the ELTA pod. Other than that, the only AM set I used was the Tamiya extra detail parts set for the F-16C, from which I took the Pitot and AoA probes.
Because of the fit issues with the Aires kits I had to use a combination of sheet styrene, thick super glue and Squadron white putty to fill the gaps and reshape the intake cowling area - I lost a little detail that needed rescribing but oh well! Tbh I'd look for a better fitting wheel bay set, or just skip it and use the Tamiya kit parts which are detailed enough really.
The mask is from
DN Models It was really good - well cut and matched the real scheme very well, at least based on the references I had. I covered up any gaps with the usual Tamiya tape and Mig Productions masking putty (also good stuff) - tbh I think any gaps in the DN masks were down to me more than the mask set.
I primed the model with Ultimate Primer Grey which is possibly the best airbrush primer I've used - goes down really well, dries quickly, doesn't cover up any details and is really tough once dry.
The camo colours were Vallejo Model Air 71.001 White & 71.111 USAF Light Blue, and AK Interactive FS36251 Aggressor Grey & FS36270 Medium Grey (for the radome only). Finally the whole thing received a couple of coats thinned of Tamiya CLear gloss, before sanding/polishing for the decals.
The last thing that I used was the TwoBobs F-16C WA WA WA Vipers decal set which was amazing - much thinner than the Tamiya kit ones, but very tough. They went down perfectly with the Mr Mark Softer Neo solution and held up to all the poking and prodding with brushes and tissues - I'd definitely recommend this set, especially since it comes with markings for 3 or 4 F-16s and has a colour reference for matching the paints.
The compressor wasn't anything special btw, just an Iwata silver jet that's seen better days, but the brush was a GSI Creos PS-770 which is bloody brilliant - can't recommend it enough!
I think that's about everything that went in to the build, hope this helps!