Thanks everyone,
Once I got over the initial shock of what I did to my paint job on the Zero, I am really happy with how it came out. I took the pics right after I got done with the kit and I think at the time I was in just a little state of shock over what I had just done to the nice paint job - mostly due to lack of experience and not knowing if what I had done just ruined my model or not
It was a lot of fun to build and even tho I know it doesn't rank up there with some of the big guns of modelers, I am satisfied with the outcome
I'll try to explain the faded paintwork if I can. It mainly came from inexperience and accident
I originally airbrushed the whole plane and markings which came out excellent. Then I did my first try at weathering which all of you saw and I decided to rework it.
Well, any of you who airbrush probably know, but there is a difference in the look of an airbrushed surface and a paint brushed surface. Airbrushing is like a silky smooth surface and brushing, no matter how good you do it, there is definately a difference in the overall look of the surface. Well.....I dry brushed over my first areas of weathering and about kicked myself in the head because it was like polka dots looking at the difference of the new brushed areas and the original airbrushing. So, I dry brushed over the entire green of the Zero to get the whole thing to look the same.
There were some areas that had a little bit of brush marks and I thought, hmmmmmm, I bet I can take some really fine sand paper and sand those brush marks down. #:-)
Once I took the sandpaper to some of the brush marks there was now a really big difference in the paint surfaces again !!!!!!(have I got you all confused yet) So.......I very lightly sanded over the entire surface of the dark green to get the whole surface of the plane to look consistant again.
Since I sanded very lightly and not very long there were some of the lower areas of the green that didn't get sanded as much as some of the other areas and that is now the paint looks faded.
I hope that's not too confusing. The whole thing came about by accident but I guess if it works in the end ...what the heck

Maybe I just invented a new technic. hahahahahahaha :-)
I have put some better pics in my gallery if you want to check them out. I have a couple of the underside ot the Zero too. They are better pics than the last ones but I am still not that satisfied with them as of yet so I will probably update them later on with some really nice pics.
Thanks again everyone and I am looking forward to seeing all the rest of your unfinished projects.
Good modeling to all,