You are absolutely right Gary and whilst everyone is banging on about the broken (right) side of the cockpit combing, the warped wings are the real issue with this kit. Indeed and as we speak, the top one of mine is currently braced to a piece of wood after being submerged in boiling water for a few minutes to try and straighten it out overnight as it cools off and hopefully straightens out.
The warp in the top wing was unforgivable and MENG (must) have realised it was a problem assuming they did even one test run before release to market but then, just shrugged and ignored it.
Fortunately, the 2 lower ones in my 2 kits seem OK but a test fit will confirm (if) they are as straight as they appear to my eyes.
In fairness, the engine is superb and looks identical to what I saw at Telford last year on the WNW stand and so credit where it's due. With the scratch built pushrods added and the ignition wires from the sparkplugs, it is almost jewel like so well done on that.
This kit may have it's roots as a WNW kit, but it certainly isn't a WNW kit re-boxed in a MENG box that's for sure. At best, this is probably a 'test shot' standard kit of what WNW would have allowed to finally be released. OK, it is £20 / $30 cheaper than had WNW released it but I would gladly have paid that difference to get 'the real deal' on such an iconic subject.