General Aircraft
This forum is for general aircraft modelling discussions.
Tell ya what I am gonna do
California, United States
Joined: April 01, 2002
KitMaker: 4,287 posts
AeroScale: 1,164 posts
Posted: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 - 11:24 AM UTC
Since I havent had a whole lot of success with posting for sale items on the "for sale forums" (I dont think a whole lot of folks remember that its there!) I think I'll try and post them here. I have a large lot that I want to get moved. There is a little bit of everything. I'll get some pictures together so you fine people can see whats what. Prices will be more than reasonable, BUT, if you see something that you think might be too much for you, let me and we can work something out. This stash is taking up valuable room in my new workshop and I want to move it. First come, first served. Buyer pays shipping. I'll make sure to post a heads up on the other forums as well. Thanks "Q"