Modern (1975-today): USA
Modern aircraft of the United States.
1/144 looks cool
Illinois, United States
Joined: February 10, 2004
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Posted: Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 05:28 PM UTC
I am mainly an armor and truck modeler, but I saw a 1/144 model plane someone else assembled and fell in love with it. Now, I want to do one!
I took a look around in a couple of hobby shops I frequent, and didn't find a very good selection. It was mostly foriegn aircraft and nothing recognizable to the aircraft beginner like me.
Are there any good websites with 1/144 scale aircraft in the market?
Let me know here,

Illinois, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 14, 2004 - 02:27 PM UTC
Hi Cuhail. I agree about 1/144th scale aircraft looking cool. It's a little hard on my eyes, but after one of them, the 1/72 scale armor looks gigantic :-) :-) .

I have had good luck finding that scale at GreatModels and at Squadron. If you are near Venture Hobbies in Wheeling, they have a great selection in that scale as well.

I have an F-16 in 1/144th in my Gallery, if you want to check it out.


Illinois, United States
Joined: February 10, 2004
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Posted: Monday, June 14, 2004 - 04:14 PM UTC
No kidding? Venture Hobbies is about 20 minutes south of me! I'll check it out

Virginia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 12:35 PM UTC
There is a company called Sweet Models that only deals in 1/144 scale aircraft. I don't have the link right at the moment, but I'm sure you can find it by searching google.

Virginia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 12:40 PM UTC
Here is the link for you guys http://www.sweetaviationmodels.com/

Metro Manila, Philippines
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Posted: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - 08:36 AM UTC
hya cuhail,
i build 1/144 some times when i'm bored with my 72nds. try dragon models, they are good and revell also released some 1/144 models and they are cool! the revell F-18 is a very nice piece of thing and the decals is superb.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - 08:52 AM UTC
I second Sphynx- Dragon's wingy- thingies kick butt, I do find myself going for extra detail in the cockpit, exhaust, and gear area(yeah, I'm a 5x superdetail freak...),but they're crisp and the decals are usually correct & in register. If you want a really blinding challenge, go for one of revell's Helos. My eyes bleed just looking at the sprues...
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - 09:17 AM UTC
If you want a cheap thrill, and you have a Hobby Lobby around you, they have their models on half price now. I don't know about in your area but our stores they have a fair selection of MiniCraft 1/144 scaler aircraft. Mostly passenger planes but they have a B17, B24, B29, PBY, and a C47. Also the Sacred Cow, FDR's special C54. I've built the B17 and C47 and they are fun little weekend jobs, that look good on a book case.

Illinois, United States
Joined: February 10, 2004
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Posted: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 - 04:42 PM UTC
Thanks guys!
I checked out all of the websites that you all have posted for me and I think I'll pick up a "little" something as a starter 1/144 kit.
I shouldn't be too intimidated by the scale details as I am a 1/160 N-Scale scratchbuilder, though, I haven't done an aircraft model in 20 years!
I'll let you guys know what model I've gotten and some pix as I go.

Has anybody seen an A20J Havoc in 1/144? I've seen it in other scales, but, not in 1/144? Lemme know.

Illinois, United States
Joined: February 10, 2004
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Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 04:51 PM UTC
Well guys, I picked up a couple of aircraft kits. An Academy F-4F Phantom 1/144 kit and a Minicraft USN Catalina Black Cat also in 1/144! I decided to do the F-4 first due to it is an easier kit and at $2.99 (Hobby Lobby 1/2 off special), it's not a big loss to "practice" on. I want to do a "Night Fighter" style paint scheme on a modern jet and this will have to do.
I'll let ya know!
Illinois, United States
Joined: February 10, 2004
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2004 - 08:16 PM UTC
Well, it's now New Year's Day and I've built 3 1/2 models at 1/144th scale! An F-4 Phantom, an F-16 Falcon and an F-!5 Eagle. All of them are Academy. Now, I want to find an A-10 Warthog.
It's pretty cool that the scale is so close to my medium, 1/160th, that the fighters will be incorporated onto my N-scale layout! I just have to be carefull how I mix the scales in one area.

I will try to take some photos, but, I have modeled them as night attack fighters and so I have to experiment with some lighting first.

British Columbia, Canada
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Posted: Friday, December 31, 2004 - 08:36 PM UTC

That's some crazy stuff on that site! I wish i could have them all! Alot of them come with Two Kits in a box with some crazy detail! Arrrggg! You are kiling me!

The 1/144 kit i'm working on is an air-superiority kit I got from My lhs and it came with a F-16c and a Su-27. The detail is fairly good for how small it is.
