Nice seeing some Canuck wingy things from a fellow Canuck!!!
I have to get off my butt and do my 1/48 UH-1N with a Belcher Bit conversion kit to turn it into a Griffon!!
If ever you are looking for some great Canadian aircraft decals....check out Belcher Bits....he has quite alot of nice stuff...and easy on the wallet.
Scott Millican
Elm City Hobbies
1779 Route 640
Hanwell, NB E3C 2B3
Phone: 506-454-8273
Web site:
e-mail: [email protected]
Hours of operation:
Tue, Wed, Thu, & Sat: 10 to 6
Fri: 10 to 9
wow, love the chopper, its nice to see a huey not involved w/ the vietnam war (although they are nice) but 1 suggestion MORE PICS!!!!! gotta see more more more
hi Ollie, indeed a very nice build. i have the same chopper in stock and a reference photo of a Canadian SAR Huey painted in tigers stripes..planning to build it after summer. congrats for the nice build