Robert, no, both the cockpit and wing fold are by CMK , both very good and well detailed. The only disappointment is the vac formed canopy, it really isn't clear enough and it's closed. I don't understand going to all the trouble of designing a cockpit detail set but supplying a closed canopy. I have started to seperate it into it's veriouse parts, but one slip and it's toast. As the kit canopy is provided with the open option, and looks very clear, plus its pretty thin, I'm planning on using that.
Rowan, yep the dry brushing lifted the detail nicely, I have actually done a bit more detail painting and it's really beginning to look the part I'll post those pics soon, probably Friday or Saturday :-)
Wingman, I would like to do Lt/Cdr Egusa's aircraft, flown off the Soryu, as leader of the second wave dive bomber units, during the attack on Pearl Harbour. There are 2 possible schemes, the one I would like to do Has large red flames on the fuselage. John, from White Ensign Models has sent me some of their new paints for review. He asked me what scheme I was doing and he spoke to someone who knows alot more about this subject than most. It appears that this aircraft in fact had a yellow fuselage with red flames. That would make for a very striking model :-)