Not to bad esp if its your first plane in a while. I myself hope to show of a HS-129 on here soon.
I would think about painting any gun barrels that stick out a gunmetal color or such.
The props are excellent. last time i did a p-38 i really screwed up the prop tips.
there seems to be a split or two in the wing where the halfs join together I tend to use cloths pins to hold my parts together while the glue is drying to prevent this and fill in any gaps with putty and sand down the excess
just wanted to ask what kind of glue you are using I used to use testors model glue but have found that there are better things on the market esp for aircraft..
I perfer to use a plastic weld glue like plastruct (my favorite) or ambond.. these are great for putting together fusalage half's and help hide the seam line that can result.. I also sand off the fitting pins on the parts so that I can make a smoother join at the seam.
all and all not a bad build the most important thing is.. do you like it. thats all that counts..