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d&% Future
Indiana, United States
Joined: March 16, 2004
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Posted: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 04:07 AM UTC
I just tried by first canopy dipped in Future, and at first, it looked great. High shine, clear and no runs. I then applied a Black Magic Canopy Mask. This product worked great it fit well and I was impressed with the ease of masking the frames I airbrushed my color, then shot it with dull coat. After everything dried I tried to remove the mask. It left a bit of a residue (but I think that was on me for not removing some of the adhesive as the instructions say) As I removed the mask it pulled the paint from the frames. I mean the paint came off REALLY easy After all mask were removed about half of the frames were void of paint. The kit in question is a Hasegawa Me-109. I had done a better job that I usually do on the interior and airframe construction so I was really honked off to say the least. Has anyone else had this happen?
Massachusetts, United States
Joined: May 05, 2002
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Posted: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 04:27 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Has anyone else had this happen?

No, but it makes perfect sense. Think of Futre as acrylic paint. There is a physical bond to the plastic, not a chemicla one. The adhessive in the mask had more adhessive strength than the Future to the plastic.

All should not be lost, however. What I'd do is to use masking tape the clean off the rest of the canopy by pressing it down and pulling up quickly. This should dislodge the remaining reside. Either use anoth black magic set or masking tape to mask and spray the canopy again with the appropriate colors. Finally, you might brush on some Future but you may decide you don';t need it.
Vaasa, Finland
Joined: August 07, 2002
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Posted: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 06:13 AM UTC
Look at the process as layers - Future at bottom, then mask, then paint and finally dullcoat over everything. When you go through the layers and start to peel at the mask, it raises all of the layers above it - paint, dullcote, etc.

The simple solution is to run a fresh exacto blade along the framing to cut all of the layers from the mask. It can then be lifted without risk to the paint on the canopy frames.

Putrajaya, Malaysia
Joined: March 04, 2004
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Posted: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 12:42 PM UTC

i agree with both replies. what i always did when dealing with canopy was to use parafilm masking tape. then i do whatever that should be done. before peeling the mask, i did what our friend Mika told which is to run along the masking line with knife. then carefully lift the mask. i have great success with this method.

example photos.

Wyoming, United States
Joined: October 20, 2002
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Posted: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 02:08 PM UTC
its not a problem, just toss the canopy into a cup of windex, the future and acrylic paint will fall off and try again, no sweat.