General Aircraft
This forum is for general aircraft modelling discussions.
why aircraft?
Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
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Posted: Friday, November 05, 2004 - 08:26 AM UTC
hi guys,

just wanted to know why you all started with aircraft modelling,for me it was armorama who did the trick!

Stockholm, Sweden
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Posted: Friday, November 05, 2004 - 08:51 AM UTC
As long as I can remember, I was always looking up at the sky watching the noisy birds. At a young age I got the desire to become a pilot of one those noisy birds that shot things. That dream of becoming a pilot ended just before heading into ROTC when my eyesight failed. I've always modeled planes, but now I basically only do armor or vehicles.
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Friday, November 05, 2004 - 09:12 AM UTC
Very simple, lordQ...I fell in love with aircraft at a very young age, started building all sorts of planes, then I just got old!! Still building planes, and loving every minute of it!!...(as well as all other types of militaria models).

California, United States
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Posted: Friday, November 05, 2004 - 09:52 AM UTC
Well I think Gunnie stated it best.

Quoted Text

Very simple, lordQ...I fell in love with aircraft at a very young age, started building all sorts of planes, then I just got old!! Still building planes, and loving every minute of it!!...(

I've been building models for almost 50 years now, and don't have a good answer as to why most of them are aircraft.

Maybe some clues:

My step father worked for Northrop when I was very young, but I still remember going to the plant to pick up his paycheck and seeing the aircraft. (Scorpian and XB-35)

Later I worked for McDonnell Douglas, but had nothing to do with the aircraft, I was with the computer division. I did however get to roam around the aircraft assembly area now and them.

To this day when an aircraft goes over I look up and note what it is and it's makings. I also spend as much time as I can at our local air museum (Planes of Fame)

I build other subjects too, but mostly aircraft. Some have historical significance for me and others just look good to me.

How things have changed. Model kits I used to pay 98 cents for at the Drug store now cost 300 dollars on EBay.
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Friday, November 05, 2004 - 10:53 AM UTC
I've been in aviation since I was born, so it's hard not to love those winged beasties!!

Almost everyone in my family (not quite, but still) are pilots, including me, so you could say it runs in our veins!

Washington, United States
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Posted: Friday, November 05, 2004 - 11:04 AM UTC
LordQ -

My Dad got me started when I was young. He'd built the balsa wood by template models when he was young and had serviced in Army Air Corps in WW II.It guess it was only natural to follow, but like the others I just fell in love with aircraft. I served in Air Force and just continue the interest (now work for Boeing Military Airplanes on the F/A-22 Air Superiority Fighter). Did pick the love of armor and figures along the way and focus more on that now, but still enjoy addding to the collection of 1/48 WW II aircraft I have.

British Columbia, Canada
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Posted: Friday, November 05, 2004 - 12:33 PM UTC
I've been around aircraft and airports most of my life. My father was an officer in the RCAF flying C-119's and then worked as a radar tech at a number of airports in Canada. He always loved airshows and it was something the we were able to participate in together and the love has stayed with me.
One project I want to do is build a C-119 with his squadron markings.
United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 03:56 AM UTC
I have been enthralled by the history and birds of flight since I was a little guy. My first models were planes. I did not even know armor existed until I was a teenager. I built only aircraft until a very few years ago. At this point, I build mostly armor, but, my stash of aircraft keeps growing!
Oregon, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 04:50 AM UTC
You know, trying to think back when I was a lad(long ago!) I realy loved them all. Aircraft, tanks and ships, all of them in the WW-2 era. And do you know what? I still do! I have always loved aircraft, but I have loved the others just as well. I find that the type I am interested in and modeling at the time is my favorite!
My big stimulation of aircraft is that they are visable to me at all times. I take my adopted grand son to the local airport all the time, we both love it! We will spend hours there watching planes take off and land. And we realy get exited when we see a military plane there! It realy keeps the old juices flowing!
But then again, if there was a place we could go to watch Battleships or tanks we would be there drooling just the same!


Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
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Posted: Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 10:47 AM UTC
I have alwasy had an interest in flying, and started making aircraft models at a young age. I have expanded my modelling interestest, but have always continued building aircraft models.
England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 06:20 PM UTC
apparantley I've always liked things mechanical...and cars and trucks etc were widely available as die-cast models such as Dinky and Corgi when I was young.
But aircraft mostly came in plastic kits.
So thats why I started with aircraft and they are still my favourite subject for modelling, although I have done 1/43rd race cars too.


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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 10:20 PM UTC
I just love aircraft, especially propeller driven ones and particularly of WWII. I have modeled armour but they are quite boring when compared to the diversity of aircraft. Colour schemes on aircraft are also far more interesting than those found on armour, this makes for the need to get good with an airbrush. With aircraft you can have highly polished and colourful air racers and airobatic teams, WWI fighters, that has you wondering how they ever flew, also with colourful schemes. The developement of aircraft in the inter war years, into WWII, where aircraft developement really took off, as did the use of camouflage, bringing use into the jet age where you can find some models of bizar projects and concepts that, later, took form in recogniseable arcraft. Right through the golden age of jet aircraft where gleaming metal is the norm, to the modern age of flight with all the technical advancement available to man.
Then you have armour, eeer, olive drab or German WWII and a bit of modern stuff
Croatia Hrvatska
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Posted: Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 11:55 PM UTC
Since I can remember I was fascinated by planes, and since my father also made (makes) plane models, the decision what models to start building came easy...
And since I've also worked as an aircraft mechanic (before university), the love just grew.. there's something in the whirl of a rotor or a propeller... Music to my ears

Metro Manila, Philippines
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Posted: Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 12:15 AM UTC
I always love to fly. Why I like wings is because they can travel anywhere. The view on top is very nice too. Also, you feel very free... Since I can't go on a real aircraft, a scale would be enough (though I STILL want to fly a military one).
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 01:45 PM UTC
FS2004 is not bad, but the flight models are crazy. It's impossible to really spin or deep stall one of the aircraft that come in the box.

Also, the Robinson R22 that is in it is crazy. Not like the real deal at all.

Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 01:53 PM UTC
i started aircrafts because when i started out, and until hmmm 2 years i never went to hobby shops... so i had to go with what walmart had, airplanes! thats all i was able to get my hands on, and even if i enjoy armor a lot now, i still have a soft spot for planes

Metro Manila, Philippines
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Posted: Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 11:55 PM UTC

Quoted Text

try microsoft flight simulator (the latest one) Ralph,

i hear that they are very accurate

Agree with you. But the expenses like a flight yoke, rudder pads etc will cost you an arm :-) :-) :-)
Singapore / 新加坡
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Posted: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 - 07:09 PM UTC
planes were my 1st love since 2 and my 1st model kit was a A-10, planes are aslo more colourful , although my interest now is armour...
Illinois, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 06:52 AM UTC
I know for me the first model I remeber doing was a WWII plane... a Dauntless perhaps? I was very young at the time and I remeber playing with it until i broke off just about anythingpiece I could.

I agree with Mal that there is a wider range of subjects and appearances...there is something for all taste's and style's.

Beside....anything without wings is just a TARGET!!! :-)
